> If my pasted info and link come through, I found this information with > / multimedia- player/camrec- player.html
Looks like it only opens avi files, did you get it
Subject: Re: Epicor Multimedia Cd at Business without Barriers I do not have the CD, I just searched base on your question. It has install file for a Network recording Player. You can download the Business without Barriers from the Epicor website. Subject: RE: Re: Epicor Multimedia Cd at Business without I would like to take a look at it as I was not able to attend the Karen - do you know where the file can be found on the Epicor website? Subject: Re: Re: Epicor Multimedia Cd at Business without Sorry, you probably need to ask DD that question.He replied that it is
Subject: RE: Re: Epicor Multimedia Cd at Business without Barriers User Summits On Thu, 4/30/09, Karen Schoenung wrote: You can also go to Epiweb site and search for Business without Barriers. jsessionid=g2bBJ50PLBP1W99YwSFGPq1wlYFwQW1DQmnLxY1m96pT7lLC2Zdg!-1223238739?theAction=poprecord&actname=%2Feventcenter%2Fframe%2Fg.do&apiname=lsr.php&renewticket=0&renewticket=0&actappname=ec0600l&entappname=url0106l&needFilter=false&isurlact=true&entactname=%2FnbrRecordingURL.do&rID=1249242&rKey=2DC84A0DD4BB49A4&recordID=1249242&rnd=4621490586&siteurl=epicorsoftware&SP=EC&AT=pb&format=short